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Line Item


Line items are used to display a piece of information in the checkout form that contains currency (such as a price, total or subtotal). This is a low-level component used simply to display information - for more enhanced functionality (such as total and subtotal displaying) use those appropriate components.

TotalTotal Price Description$10.00Monthly

Product Line Item

The line item also accepts an image, as well as different components in different slots, so you can be creative with your markup to create and enhance UI.

Monthly Box of Kittens$10.00Monthly

Component Codex


currencyCurrency symbolstring
pricePrice of the itemstring


currencyUsed for the 3 character currency code.
descriptionLine item description (below the title)
imageLine item image
pricePrice amount, including currency sign.
price-descriptionDescription for the price (i.e. monthly)
titleLine item title.

Shadow Parts

baseThe elements base wrapper.
currencyUsed for the 3 character currency code.
descriptionLine item description (below the title)
imageThe image wrapper.
pricePrice amount, including currency sign.
price-descriptionDescription for the price (i.e. monthly)
price-textThe price text.
textThe text.
titleThe title.