Tax Id Input
This component let users create tax id input.
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Component Codex
Property | Description | Type | Default |
auAbnLabel | AU zone label | string | __('ABN Number', 'surecart') |
caGstLabel | GST zone label | string | __('GST Number', 'surecart') |
country | The country code. | string | |
euVatLabel | EU zone label | string | __('EU VAT', 'surecart') |
gbVatLabel | UK zone label | string | __('UK VAT', 'surecart') |
help | Help text. | string | |
loading | Is this loading? | boolean | |
number | Tax ID Number | string | null |
otherLabel | Other zones label | string | __('Tax ID', 'surecart') |
required | Whether tax input is required | boolean | false |
show | Force show the field. | boolean | false |
status | The status | "invalid" | "unknown" | "valid" | 'unknown' |
taxIdTypes | Tax ID Types which will be shown | string[] | [] |
type | Type of tax id | string | 'other' |
Event | Description | Type |
scChange | Make a request to update the order. | CustomEvent<{ number: string; number_type: string; }> |
scInput | Make a request to update the order. | CustomEvent<{ number?: string; number_type?: string; }> |
scInputType | Change the Type | CustomEvent<string> |
scSetState | Set the checkout state. | CustomEvent<string> |